Thanks to all my students for your constant feedback and support. I got all the messages and emails regarding SilverSneakers, the gyms, etc., and I think we are moving along nicely. I will keep you posted as I learn more and get more details! Remember, we are in this thing together.
Last night was a quiet, easy dinner. Tofurky cold-cuts on yummy breads and a franks and beans casserole…the tomatoes came from the garden and the rest of the meal was pretty unhealthy and fattening, but easy after an afternoon with my girlfriends. The chocolate lady (me) came by and made some chocolate covered strawberries AND some chocolate covered peanut butter filled pretzels. THOSE are, as the kids might say, “off the chain.” I try not to make too many and a little dark chocolate is good for us, as are strawberries and peanut butter. I took pictures of the strawberries because they really are so easy and come out looking like you bought them at a fancy store, but of course, this morning, I am having a hard time remembering how I got the pictures from my camera to this site! Every day, new things to learn and sometimes to RE-learn! Anyway, this kind of dinner is where portion control is paramount. I think I portioned…I am sure the kids did NOT. There was a real mood change when the across the street neighbor backed up into James’ door. I HATE those incidents, but they happen. I remember hitting my neighbors car when we lived in Tamarac. I had never before and never again hit a car, and it had to be a neighbor. UGH. I am sorry, James, and I am equally sorry for our neighbor, who hit your car. It’s just part of life and will all work out! Cars……..they often subtract from our peace of mind, but the object of the game is to try not too let this stuff bother us TOO much.
What great news for and the way too many people effected by the pain pills and the pain pill mills! The governor has decided to do the right thing, the legal thing, the thing that was already supposed to happen months ago…Governor Scott has apparently agreed to put the pill mill data base into effect. Thank goodness!!! Imagine how many lives might have been saved had he done this in December as scheduled? At an average of 7 deaths a day, the numbers are enormous. At least now there will be SOME control! The 3 moms who spearheaded this grass-roots effort are to be applauded for the incredible job they continue to do with their peaceful protests and non-stop dedication to this very sad, situation. For more about this, go to the stoppnow link on my link page.
Thanks, Toi (my public school friend) for sharing the blogging challenge and stopping in to check out peaceandfitness. Toi is a massage therapist, life coach and so much more, out in the LA area of Californian. You can check out her site at Toi was a great, positive energy for as long as I knew her, and though we are on opposites sides of the country, we are definitely still on the same page!
Lots of changes are happening in my work life, and I am always excited for new and different opportunities. Being forced out of a comfort zone is sometimes exactly what we need to grow. I look forward to the opportunity to keep growing, right along with all of you.
Whatever your Friday holds, remember, as the lululemon people remind us, to “breathe deeply and appreciate the moment. Living in the moment can be the meaning of life.” Everything else just falls into place.
Reader Interactions
Change is always exciting and a bit scary in life. You have heard it before, but I will repeat this little phrase…”when one door closes, another one opens.” So, Bonni, there is a reason for change in your life. I know that everything will work out for you. Life’s road takes some twists and turns, but you will be back “on course” again. You will continue to grow and bloom and savor the new opportunities!!!
Thanks for the mention of my website in your post. It’s wonderful re-connecting to find we have similar interests in health and wellness, and speading the word to anyone who’ll listen:-) And, given your post re: the Bally’s SilverSneakers change, I can see that you’re resilient and proactive as well. (did I detect a little “NY attitude” in there? LOL). You’re students are lucky to have you supporting them. And with that positive energy and determination, you and your students will not miss a beat.
Think I may check out SilverSneakers here in LA!!
Change is always exciting and a bit scary in life. You have heard it before, but I will repeat this little phrase…”when one door closes, another one opens.” So, Bonni, there is a reason for change in your life. I know that everything will work out for you. Life’s road takes some twists and turns, but you will be back “on course” again. You will continue to grow and bloom and savor the new opportunities!!!
Bonni –
Thanks for the mention of my website in your post. It’s wonderful re-connecting to find we have similar interests in health and wellness, and speading the word to anyone who’ll listen:-) And, given your post re: the Bally’s SilverSneakers change, I can see that you’re resilient and proactive as well. (did I detect a little “NY attitude” in there? LOL). You’re students are lucky to have you supporting them. And with that positive energy and determination, you and your students will not miss a beat.
Think I may check out SilverSneakers here in LA!!
…connecting you with your mind, body and spirit