First and foremost, thanks to Kyle for coming right to my assistance and managing to get rid of the virus I picked up yesterday morning, when I sat down to post a peaceful Sunday morning, quote. As I have done many times before, I did a google search to try to find the perfect quote for a June, almost summer, morning. I got distracted by an ad that appeared to be for, and it was a picture of a kindof funky love-seat (which I happen to be in the market for). For that second, I wasn’t thinking about the fact that I had no idea what kind of site I had really entered. Entering the site was OK, but clicking on a pop-up ad on that unknown site was not. As soon as I clicked that picture, it was too late to turn back. A virus overtook the computer and I could not get on the internet at all. Kyle has always taught me not to click unsecure links…but…but…it tricked me! That’s what bad guys do. They are smart and know just how to pass themselves off as friends instead of strangers. Just like I taught Kyle and Derek when they were young. I would often tell them that strangers never look or act like strangers, which makes stranger danger so hard for kids (and adults!). Thanks to Kyle’s fantastic Internet Technology skills, he took over my computer from Tampa, and not only got rid of this virus, but I am sure lots of other little, less obvious ones, too. Thanks Kyle, for spending part of your day off from your computer work, to fix the trouble I managed to get myself into. You are awesome.
Speaking of awesome, how about those Miami Heat? Another nail biter, this one ending in cheers and celebration. Have I mentioned lately how the arms of a good basketball player define “fitness,” to me. They are pretty nice on the eyes, too. Want some upper body strength and definition, start shooting some hoops! Want some calves? Start climbing some stairs, like our friend Ray does in his office building. Wow. Very effective training! Looking to grow some of your own muscle? No need for a gym, just get and then most every day. You will not only look better, but much more importantly, you’ll feel better, too. Mitch did a great job of cross training yesterday. Biking, walking, planting, washing, waxing…all while I enjoyed a rest day! Thanks, honey. And for the yummy grainy bagel, too!
There is no better day, than this day, to get started reaching your goals, fitness and otherwise. You know what they say about yesterday, tomorrow and today! Today is the gift. Let’s get out there and make the most of the present.
Tomorrow, game 4. Bring it!
Rita says
I am so glad that your computer is fixed. Lucky you to have a talented techie in your family. (I especially think it is so cool to fix a computer via remote control.) I have a love/hate relationship with computers. Love them when things are going right…..hate them when they get “sick.”
Carole says
Peanut butter on celery is also a great snack!
bonni says
Well, we all agree that PB is a great big THUMBS UP! on celery, grilled in a sandwich with bananas, rolled up in a wrap with banana, or like I mentioned mixed together–
Carol, I am not sure why your comment but I did read your email and laughed…thanks, also to Margo and Marie for the emails, which I also read this morning.