Yesterday finally held some good news regarding the BP oil leak. Its seems crazy to be celebrating so many weeks and months after the initial disaster struck, but it sure beats the alternative! Let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed that we are finally at the clean-up stage.
Last night’s dinner crowd was great. 6 others showed up besides Derek. Many we hadn’t seen in quite some time. Most of Derek’s friends are part-time musicians and in and out of town. Last night they were in, and even brought a guest from Ohio. Thankfully there was enough food that even Pete, who showed up very late and straight from work, was able to scrape together a full plate. I simply love the laughter that fills the house. Thanks to Mishell, for all her help (every week) in the kitchen. Having her around has been a complete joy. I will miss them all next week as they (even Derek, travel to shows along the east coast, with one of Pete’s bands, Remembering Never.
Yesterday, I realized how much Kyle motivated me last summer. Having him home, into running races and doing P90x (seriously) helped give me that “competitive” spirit I no doubt, enjoy. I thought of him a lot yesterday while running with Blaze, swimming my laps and doing parts of the P90x yoga. I miss you, Kyle, but am always happy as long as you (and Derek) are happy!
I will be bringing the Kenpo P90x video to the gym tomorrow so Carol and her kickboxing friends can do some kicking and punching while adorable little Carolina is away from the gym. That particular video is more fun, than Xtreme, and I may just stay and do it, too…Carol, what are you watching this video on?? Are you doing it AT the gym?
This article came in my Real Age newsletter this morning. Brought to us by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen today’s info is on food that is good for our joints. Thought this might interest some. I just love the idea of food as medicine, whenever possible.
Help Knees Feel Better with This Fruit
Creaky knees? Maybe snacking on these every day could help bring a little comfort: grapes.
The resveratrol in grapes has long been heralded for its heart-healthy properties. But the same compound may also help reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, writes Joseph Maroon, MD, in his book The Longevity Factor.
The Latest News
No one is suggesting that resveratrol will ever replace pain pills. But results from several early studies show that the compound could someday have a place in joint care. In fact, in a recent study, researchers found that injections of resveratrol helped soothe inflamed joints in animals. And while it’s not clear how much dietary resveratrol would be needed to help arthritis, grapes and grape juice have lots of other health-promoting qualities, so adding them to your diet certainly can’t hurt. (What’s your JointAge? Find out how old your knees, hips, and hands are with this quick quiz.)
How It Works
Resveratrol stops inflammation the same way aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do — by inhibiting the molecular switch that turns inflammation on and off in the body. Still hurting despite taking your pain meds and supplements? In addition to grapes, here are some other foods that might help ease arthritis symptoms.
Question: Has anyone had any experience with either the Blu-Light or the topical application of Efudex for skin or pre-skin cancers? I am looking for some feedback. If you know anyone who has used either of these treatments please let me know what the experience was like.
Enjoy your Friday. It’s time to let your inner-child come out and play!
My first choice is to play it on my laptop, but I also have a portable DVD player that should do the trick. The screen is small (7″) but I thought one person could stand up close and be the “leader” for everyone else. It’s a little bit out of my comfort zone, but what the hell – after 5 years of kickboxing classes I doubt Tony has moves that I’m completely unfamiliar with (and it’s good to move out of our comfort zones occasionally – it helps us build confidence and self esteem and who knows what we could learn about ourselves).
Thanks so much for the loner Bonni – I’m looking forward to my Saturday morning workouts. Saturday is my favorite day of the week because it starts with Bonni and Carolina – 2 of my favorite people in the world 🙂
the kenpo video will be easy as opposed to classes….since he teaches as if it were the first time anyone is doing these, its pretty easy to follow (except when you are watching a video rights and lefts become tricky when you are facing someone as opposed to standing behind them) …i am no karate girl, but have done the routine a few times (honestly just a few as that is one of the videos i dont do often) so if you want me to stand up front with you, i can stay and if i am crowding your space, i can leave (i am very easy like that!!!) …i will also bring ab-ripper x for a killer ab workout…between the 2 videos its about an hour maybe a little longer….
That should be fun to watch-however I won’t be able to stay tomorrow.
Bonni – Sounds great. Of course I would love for you to stay and do the video with us – the more the merrier (but I don’t want you to feel you have to – whatever you want to do works for me – I’m easy too 🙂
I would have purchased the P90X long ago, but I really don’t like to work out alone – hence all the classes I take. See you tomorrow.
Carol..i will bring kenpo and ab ripper and probably will stay for some.. then i will leave them with you till carolina is back…it’s my pleasure to share!
Thanks for the post!