Early on in our education, we learn the importance of the three Rs…reading, riting and rithmetic. These same 3 Rs are elementary in losing or maintaining weight. Studies show that people who read (most recent studies included reading text messages) motivational tips, recipes and testimonials lose more weight than those that don’t.** Study after study, and the most successful weight loss programs, such as Weight Watchers, include food journals – (w)riting down EVERYTHING you eat) as a very important tool in the weight loss journey. Some suggest journaling your mood as well as your calorie intake. As for (a)rithmetic, it’s that simple equation that matters most of all when looking to lose weight– you must take in less calories than you use to lose, find that perfect amount to maintain, and take in more calories than you use to put weight on.
Just like in school, there is always more to learn about any subject and weight control is no different. If you do nothing else, however, it’s back to school time and time to get back to the basics and focus on the 3 Rs. Sure, it’s elementary, but sometimes “everything we ever needed to know, we learned in kindergarten.”
**You satisfied the reading part of your school day by stopping in to peaceandfitness. Give yourself an A and get busy writing! Do your math. And hey, as long as we are talking school, let’s add one more R and make recess a part of your every day. When it comes to weight loss we can keep attempting to reinvent the wheel, but nothing really works better than the one we already have.
Reader Interactions
It’s funny Bonni, how sometimes I am just so in tune with your blog. I read newsletters and health websites and magazine articles all the time. I have also kept track of my food intake (either on line or in a journal) for years now. Recently, I started something new for me – journaling my thoughts and feelings and some of the processes I go through on my journey to better health. Frankly, right now, my quest is for a better body, a better body composition – less fat, more lean muscle, better cardio capacity.
Thanks Bonni for all your support and insights during this journey – it’s so helpful to know we’re not alone. xoxo
Carol…i LOVE watching you on your journey because you keep stepping out of your comfort zone and looking for new ways to improve your fitness, your peace of mind and keep yourself from getting bored, etc. Keep on doing what you are doing cause it keeps on working!!
I fasted once for 4 days and lost 7 poduns. I went from 111 to 104. I do love fasting, you lose weight very quickly but also after the first few days you have a good feeling of wellbeing, and your mood just changes for the better. The only thing is, if you go right back to eating like you did before, you’ll definitely gain it back. You have to slowly ease in, with fruits, veggies, and soup and stuff. Listen to your body, NOT your cravings, when you start eating again. Then you can keep it off.
It’s funny Bonni, how sometimes I am just so in tune with your blog. I read newsletters and health websites and magazine articles all the time. I have also kept track of my food intake (either on line or in a journal) for years now. Recently, I started something new for me – journaling my thoughts and feelings and some of the processes I go through on my journey to better health. Frankly, right now, my quest is for a better body, a better body composition – less fat, more lean muscle, better cardio capacity.
Thanks Bonni for all your support and insights during this journey – it’s so helpful to know we’re not alone. xoxo
Carol…i LOVE watching you on your journey because you keep stepping out of your comfort zone and looking for new ways to improve your fitness, your peace of mind and keep yourself from getting bored, etc. Keep on doing what you are doing cause it keeps on working!!
I fasted once for 4 days and lost 7 poduns. I went from 111 to 104. I do love fasting, you lose weight very quickly but also after the first few days you have a good feeling of wellbeing, and your mood just changes for the better. The only thing is, if you go right back to eating like you did before, you’ll definitely gain it back. You have to slowly ease in, with fruits, veggies, and soup and stuff. Listen to your body, NOT your cravings, when you start eating again. Then you can keep it off.