Just as I seek peace and fitness, I also seek good news about potatoes. Seriously. And then I love to share the good news. This would not be the first time I have mentioned that in my humble opinion, those little tubers have gotten a bad, bad rap from the anti-carb conspiracy. Once again, if a person eats too many of ANY kind of calories, they will get stored as fat. Somehow, its hard for me to swallow that the potatoes are what are making our society over-weight and unhealthy. So, I was particularly happy to read that sweet potatoes are really good for our skin! The beta carotene in them not only helps combat dry, scaly winter skin, but also may protect against UV damage (a double bonus for us in the south enjoying cooler weather and sunshine all at the same time.)
According to the good doctors at RealAge, beta carotene helps balance pH and encourages skin cell turnover. which can help us achieve softer and smoother skin. Loaded with vitamin C, another great nutrient for skin, these gorgeous orange gifts from the earth can combat dryness and aging skin. With 180 calories in a large one, and no cholesterol, (plant foods have NO cholesterol) this powerhouse provides about 7 grams of fiber, humongous amounts of vitamin A, (good for eyes, bones and the immune system) and the anti-oxidants that are so good for our skin also fight against cancer.
I am so glad I put a couple of sweet potatoes in the black bean soup we made yesterday! That recipe, another easy one, later in the week. Speaking of soups, I did go back and add a couple of non-essential items to the split-pea soup recipe, that I had forgotten to put in the other day. (Bay leaf and cumin). If you are trying that recipe, I highly recommend the cumin, but I LOVE cumin, so I am biased. That was an ingredient I adapted from another recipe.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are off to a productive Monday morning. Make it a great day. Enjoy some peace and fitness, and don’t fear the potato. It’s definitely NOT the enemy. As with all things, continue to make wise choices. Much love…
Reader Interactions
Judy Ambersonsays
So good for us and good to the taste buds-love those sweets!
OMG!!! I eat sweet potatoes 4 days a week. I add a little cinnamon and they are so sweet. I have micro-waved them, boiled them or baked them. Which ever method is good for you, they always turn out yummy. So…….thanks for all the great info. I knew that they were high in beta carotene and no cholesterol…what a bonus for something that is soooo good and easy to prepare!!
You mentioned black bean soup???? Can’t wait to get that recipe. I make black bean burgers…….love them.
So good for us and good to the taste buds-love those sweets!
OMG!!! I eat sweet potatoes 4 days a week. I add a little cinnamon and they are so sweet. I have micro-waved them, boiled them or baked them. Which ever method is good for you, they always turn out yummy. So…….thanks for all the great info. I knew that they were high in beta carotene and no cholesterol…what a bonus for something that is soooo good and easy to prepare!!
You mentioned black bean soup???? Can’t wait to get that recipe. I make black bean burgers…….love them.