Why couldn’t Dracula’s wife get to sleep?
Because of his coffin.
Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
He didn’t have the guts.
Why do ghouls and demons hang out together?
Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend.
I always remember an expression my friend Erica would use. When laughing about something, she would say “I am not laughing AT you, I am laughing NEAR you.” Turns out, she was on to something, big. By now most of us have heard that laughing produces endorphins, (the feel good hormones we also produce when exercising) but a recent study revealed that laughing heartily with others is much more likely to boost those all important endorphins, than laughing alone.
Laughter has been shown to improve our circulation, immune system, blood sugar levels, pain tolerance levels, sleep and so much more. One study at Vanderbilt University claims that laughing burns a good amount of calories, too!
Make a great Saturday and don’t forget to spend some time laughing with others. It really just might be the BEST medicine.
Related articles
- Why Laughter May Be the Best Pain Medicine (livescience.com)
- Laughter is truly the best medicine (simplypurelyhealthy.wordpress.com)
- Studies prove laughter really is the best medicine (mirror.co.uk)
OK – This one might be slightly inappropriate for a vegan, but it’s always made me laugh !
What do you call a cow with no legs ? Ground Beef !
It is so ironic that you blogged about laughter. This year my New Year’s resolution was to laugh at least once a day. Unfortunately, I did not fulfill my resolution. Maybe I will repeat it for 2012. I truly love to laugh and it does make a person feel wonderfully happy afterwards. So……….let’s all giggle, chuckle and really laugh heartily. Then we can all be truly happy!! LOL!!!
BTW, Carol…….your little joke made me laugh!!
Hi!! Really informative blog post. Nice and useful. Really thank you!