Thanks for some great emails and comments in response to yesterday’s topic…smiling! Laughter, yes, that is a whole other blog and something I admit does NOT come so easy to me. I can smile without pause, but it takes a lot to make me laugh. I am wide open for suggestions …
Here it is the last Friday in January. Hopefully by now you have crossed some things off of your new year “to do” list. You probably have lost the weight you might have found over the holidays, as well. Still struggling with a few pounds? Here’s some ideas.
Make sure to eat protein as part of your breakfast. People who eat eggs with their toast in the morning will lose 65% more weight than those that eat a bagel with cream cheese. The protein in eggs helps control appetites, keeping you fuller for longer.
Try some yogurt. Seems the calcium and other compounds in yogurt help stop fat storage and turn up fat burn.
Replace refined grains with whole grains. Whole grains fill us up because they have appetite controlling fiber in them. They also help control blood sugar, lower blood pressure and can even reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers, such as colon cancer, just to name one!
Make water your best friend. Remember that thirst often disguises itself as hunger. Got a craving? Try a glass of water first. Got a craving for chocolate? Try taking a walk. Seriously. Works for alcohol and cigarettes, too. By stimulating the hormones and chemicals that make us feel good, walking is shown to stave off cravings after just 1 minute of stepping! Try a 10-15 minute walk at a moderate pace. You’ll burn a few calories, get in a few of the all important steps we should be taking daily and may just get you through a craving till it’s time to eat again.
For more tips like these, visit brought to us by my favorite doctors, Oz and Roizen, a bounty of great information and tips on health and weight management, can be found there.
Have a fantastic Friday. Thanks again for you feedback and for stopping by once again. I am off to eat an egg in a La Tortilla Factory wrap (thanks to Carolanne) and then out to train clients today. I hope that you, too, will eat a well balanced breakfast that includes some protein, get in some walking when the cravings hit and remember to keep smiling.
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
Mother Teresa
Suggestions for laughing??? Well, laughing is one of my favorite things to do. I mean, I love to REALLY laugh. I even have a plaque in my kitchen that says… “LAUGH.” I am a person that can take life too seriously, so I need to remind myself daily to laugh. What makes me laugh? I enjoy watching children acting silly and doing funny things. I think children are so natural and carefree and they can make me laugh. Also, I love to watch kittens, puppies or other animals do funny things. Sometimes I go on the internet and watch those goofy animal videos. Some of them are hilarious. I can go on and on, but the bottom line is…..I try to laugh everyday…….even at myself. Have a happy day and try to laugh!!!
thanks…like you, i can sometimes take life too seriously! i understand the importance of laughter as it pertains to our health so i need to work on it….thanks for the suggestions— oxox enjoy your day—see you tomorrow
I don’t give laughing a whole lot of thought, but apparently I laugh often and loudly because several people have mentioned that they can hear me laughing from another room! There was a time in my life when I would apologize for laughing too loudly, but nowadays I don’t believe there is any such thing as laughing too loudly 🙂 🙂 🙂