This week, Biggest Loser opened up with wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much drama. Crying, b*itching, moaning…this on a season of “no excuses.” ENOUGH!!! This week’s “excuse” was I can’t lose weight without a trainer. As night falls, they all gather by the pool…the cold pool. Alison tells them that the team who loses this week’s challenge will lose their trainer for a week, and not see them again until last chance workout. Giving them all the chance to hang on to their trainers (literally) as long as they can…it’s a dunk tank challenge! With Bob and Dolvett suspended above the pool, the contestants have to hang on to a rope and if both their hands slip off they are out and leave the burden of holding on, to the rest of the team. If they all let go, their trainer will fall 12 feet into the cold pool and the first team to do that loses. After about a half-hour, hands start slipping and red team member start falling out fast, leaving only Roy and a much disliked Adrian, hanging on while black team is still hanging on…and in the end, it is black team that wins. Dolvett gives his advice, telling his team he wants cardio and and strength training, back and forth, always amping up the intensity. What the team doesn’t know is that Dolvett will be watching them on a monitor all week.
There is a tender and seemingly impactful few minutes as Bob has a sit down with Megan. We see video of her training horses but she is limited to groundwork as she has become too heavy to hoist herself onto the saddle. Her dream is to be a rodeo star and Bob talks to her about finding the acceptance in herself that she needs to achieve her dreams and goals.
Then Bob is off to take the black team for a hike using mountains, ditches and anything he can find outside as their gym for the day. I love that. After their hard work they are rewarded with a lunch out and this time, it’s not Subway. They go to a real restaurant with Rachel, their nutritionist, who talks to them about the calories in the choices they used to make, and what choices they should make now…the big take away is pretty much salad is a good choice, no crouton and dressing on the side. Welcome to my world 🙂
At the end of the week, Dolvett returns and and they talk about how Kimmy played Dolvett Jr., leading the red team in their workouts and Dolvett tells them that he was watching all week. Kimmy says she wants part of his paycheck, for she feels a lot of responsibility for her teams weigh in. More talk about how Adrian doesn’t fit in with his team and we all know that the next time red team loses, he is going home.
Red team weighs in first and does outstandingly well. Kimmy did a great job of leading the pack. Everyone has a good weigh in, but Mark is still not satisfied with Adrian, even after he lost 9 pounds. Some suspect he threw last week’s weigh in because he had immunity. I, too, would have my doubts about him. It’s a game. He wants to play it. But I would never accuse without proof. Black team has to lose more than 48 pounds and that might be tough…but everyone has a decent weigh in and Jeremy and my boy, Chism, blow up the scale losing 12 and 13 pounds, respectively! I was soooooo happy for Chism, who only lost 2 pounds, last week.
This sends red team to the chopping block and though Mark got a couple of votes, Adrian gets 4 and out goes his fridge light. At home we see him down 100 pounds, from 420 to 320. We see a very different Adrian with his baby and his pregnant wife, as well as at work at his recording studio, where he runs a non-for-profit for local kids and seems like a really nice guy. I guess they chose to edit out that side of him on the show. Biggest Loser…a show that’s made a little in the gym and a lot in the editing room. By season 14, I finally get it!
Thanks for the Information, thanks for fine Posts. You definitely put a new spin on a subject thats been written about for years.