Being the Chopra fan I am, Mitch got me a copy of his new book “What are You Hungry For.” I am not sure he is saying anything we haven’t already all heard before, but perhaps in a new way. Because so many of us eat mindlessly, he suggests we remember to STOP, before eating just to eat.
T—Take a breathing break. Just take some nice deep breaths.
O—Observe how hungry you really are
P—Proceed with AWARENESS
It seems too simple to have impact, but AWARENESS is the key to everything in life, so if you resolved to lose weight this year, you may want to put this mindfulness exercise in your tool box. I believe if you observe that you aren’t really hungry, a glass of water will usually work to put off eating a little while longer. When we are eating when we aren’t really hungry there is clearly something else we are trying to fill…What are YOU hungry for? Give it some thought and have a wonderful Friday!