In meditation, remember that thoughts WILL come. As you sit down to meditate (and this could be as simple as just a minute or two of total down-time) consider this mantra: Waterfall-river-lake. As your thoughts begin to flow, let them flow like a waterfall, then a river, then a peaceful lake. YOU control your brain, it does NOT control you. It’s OK to think. In fact, it’s a really good thing. Just give your brain a break, just as you do your body. Waterfall-river—lake. Will make you feel much better about your meditation which will make you want to do it more often. The more you do it, the calmer you will feel and the healthier you will be! Meditation, it does a brain and body good.
Other things that do your brain and body good….smiling at people. Just for today, try smiling at 5 different people, just because. If you haven’t tried the rubber band around your wrist (and snapping it when negative thoughts enter your brain) give it a try. It’s amazing how quickly we can catch ourselves going down negativity drive. Finally, Discover the “elf” in yours-elf and learn to have fun! There is a time to be serious, and there is a time to put serious aside because…
The American Academy of Family Physicians says that at least two-thirds of all office visits to the family doctor are for stress-related problems. Just as everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, EVERYONE has stress. How we handle our stress directly impacts our health and wellness. Take a deep breath and consider some of the stress reduction exercises above. A happier, healthier you is a gift you give not only to yourself, but of course to all those around you at work and play.
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I love your three mantra words. I have used PEACE, CALM, RELAX in the past. Those words have helped me, but I like to change things up, so I will try to incorporate your suggestion. When I meditate, I try to focus on my breath and that seems to help me block out all that brain “chatter.”
Also, I really like the “elf” in yours-elf. How clever you are!! I tend to be too serious, so I will definitely think about that super suggestion. Thanks, Bonni! oxxoxo
Bonni – I hadn’t had the opportunity to read your blog yesterday or today until just now (Wed 9pm). Today – while working with Brad cleaning pools in the very hot So Fla sun – I got a bit tired and surly in the afternoon. I decided to change my own mood by smiling at people and it so worked ! It was just so much fun to see people respond when I smiled and have them smile back at me. There were 2 people (both women) who did not smile back – one scowled at me and the other just stared blankly at me – but I didn’t let them discourage me. Quite a coincidence that we both had the same thought at the same time 🙂
Also – I LOVED the Waterfall – River – Lake concept. I was completely zoned out in Tuesday’s class. I am certainly going to use that technique again.
Carol…that is so awesome that you used YOUR smile to lift YOUR mood…The poor people who are too miserable to smile back…it costs nothing and the benefits are huge!
As for waterfall-river-lake…YOU have gotten so good at letting go that I honestly can see your body melting into the floor…seriously…great job allowing yourself the balance!!!
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