Thanks to the folks at for some great articles about blogging, which I am gleaning lots of good info from! If you are reading this and know someone who blogs, you may want to suggest they visit the site…
Now I am going to use some of the advice they gave me, by putting a question out there to all of you. Time and time again I get asked about cleanses/detoxers but I have never done one. I know that some of you have and I am curious about your experience with them, what brands, etc., Remember, when you comment, it will take a day to appear on the site as I have to approve ALL comments. This is to keep you safe from Internet problems. I would greatly appreciate any info you can share and look forward to your feedback.

Thanks. Have an awesome Saturday.
Related articles…I am just including these for your FYI. I haven’t read the articles and I don’t endorse any of the products!!!

I have never done a cleanse. It sounds horrible to me.