Though I honestly don’t connect too much with the Passover holiday, we will be having the family for dinner, tonight. While I have some conflict with the religious holidays and certainly with the food that we traditionally eat on a holiday like this, I certainly enjoy the opportunity to break bread…or in this case, matzoh, with family. With dad bringing the chickens, the rest of the meal will be entirely plant-based (except the appetizers, which the family can enjoy while I get dinner on the table). A big salad, with whatever I can include from the garden, a mushroom and potato kugel, roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes, some other veggies, applesauce and strawberries and of course, matzoh, will complete the meal. I made some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert and of course bought a couple of boxes of chocolate covered jelly rings, Mitch’s favorite! It always makes me happy when the entirely plant-based foods can sort of fly under the radar, without anyone really realizing that they are…
Year after year, it’s amazing to me that the very place that all this began, is the very place that still has so much unrest. The story of Passover and the message that slaves can go free and the future can be better than the present, is a message that we can all relate to and means every bit as much today as it ever has…and though we may not be asking 4 questions in this house, we will certainly be drinking the wine.
However you celebrate this holiday, or even just this day, I hope that you remember to carry, in both your heart and your mind, the message that the future really can be better than the present. Much love, light and wishes for peace in in your heart and peace on earth.
To life…

A nice Jewish girl…no gefilta fish. motza balls…I too dipped my Robbies strwberries in chocolate. Missed Fred’s pot roast but we’re together…Sorry about SS but having the right attitude is what life is about. I even sold a painting to a visiting nurse…I’ll come out of retirement…hug, Judy