It so unusual for me to say that sitting here in my garage gym/computer station, it is cold (but definitely not complaining!) While we installed a room air conditioner in the garage as soon as we bought the house, we never expected to need heat out here. That said, I will keep this entry short and get busy with Tony Horton and his yoga, soon. That will certainly have me warm in just a few minutes. Weather is NOT a reason (though it might be an excuse) to not exercise, you just need to change it up. Too cold to go outside, pop in a video…No video? Put on the stereo and dance your ass off (literally). Hate to dance? Jog in place and lift some weights. What is that you say? No weights? Fine, then jog in place and get busy with push-ups, crunches, dips, jumping jacks….I think you get the picture. There are a million reasons, but that’s just your brain…move it aside and let your body be in control. All you have to do is MOVE!
Today is VFT Thursday, and I am excited to eat some veggie dishes at our annual SilverSneakers luncheon, today at 12:30. Looks like we will be about 125 strong. And I definitely mean strong! It is always a nice event, and thank you, Ellen for making it happen every year. Also on the vegan front, I just read that in the past 10 years, meat eating has dropped by almost 10%. What’s good for the animals, is also so good for us and our planet, so any decline in meat eating is something to be celebrated, at least by this “girl.”
I loved this quote on my daily Insight from the Dalai Lama calendar and wanted to share with all of you. Regardless of what you eat or don’t eat, whether you exercise or not, what side of politics you are on, etc., one thing I have come to understand is that we all want the very same thing, and that is simply to be happy…
“As human beings, we all want to be happy and free from misery…We have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger and attachment, fear and suspicion, while love, compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.”
I can’t help but say that many of the things that make me so happy are choices I have made for myself. Embracing love, nurturing relationships, resisting worry, practicing gratitude, daily meditation, daily exercise, eating a plant-based diet and yes, realizing my universal responsibility. My wish for you is to be happy and free of misery. Focus right now on all you have and forget about what you don’t…it will instantly make you more content. Much love…