Thanks to Carole for reminding me it was the genius himself, Albert Einstein, who said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
Thanks to everyone who showed up at Fusion Fitness and Yoga yesterday for a true fusion class. Great people, great energy, great little studio. If you live locally and haven’t been out there yet, stop by and check it out. There will be another fundraiser Dec. 19 and this time they will be collecting unwrapped, new toys in exchange for a master sampler class. It’s sure to be fun and a great workout. More details as that gets closer.
Thanks to Kyle for inviting me to the track to run yesterday. It’s been years since I have run there and was reminded of what a great place it is. Thursday is usually my yoga day, but I decided to take my own advice and “change it up”. Though running is still a challenge for me (always will be) I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when I am through and since the track is in a park with an area for stretching and strength training, a very complete and effective workout can be achieved there. It’s nice to be outside breathing fresh air and while Kyle ran with his iPod, I found listening to the sounds of nature and NOTHING, very peaceful. Sometimes quieting the noise in our heads let’s us clear our minds and becomes a form of meditation.
Thanks to Derek and the “usual suspects” for joining us for vegan feast last night. We appreciate that you all know that Thursday night is “our” night. Thanks to Mitch for cleaning up the mess in the kitchen!
Thanks to you, the readers, for your comments and support. Kyle and I hope to put aside a little time over the next week or so to add some more info, photos and ???? Check back often and remember to ask any questions or offer up any advise about what works for you. Though I may blog about my day or my experiences, I always aim to give you information, motivation and inspiration to bring peaceandfitness into YOUR life.