Thanks, Sheri, for sharing your story about donating gym equipment to the woman who wanted her son to workout and couldn’t afford a gym membership or trainer. It was great of your husband to take into consideration just who he was donating the equipment to. If we all thought just a little about the “stuff” we don’t use or need and who might really benefit from it, the world would be such a better place for all of us.
I donated blood this week and it always feels good to give back. It’s also a great way to get a mini check up (cholesterol, blood pressure and lots of other tests, too). Next week, Jane and I will be making PB&J sandwiches and bringing them to the soup kitchen in Fort Lauderdale. This fits nicely into my pledge to help feed hungry people however I can.
Speaking of giving…if you live locally and know anyone that wants an adorable, striped kitten, please let me know. These free bundles of love are just old enough to leave their mommy, and are currently residing in Plantation. They have been very well taken care of and the family already has 2 dogs and 3 cats or else, trust me, the kitties would NOT be leaving the “nest”. The mom, a kitten herself, gave birth to 4 babies and the first was adopted yesterday. If you are interested let me know and I will hook you up! I do have pictures (1 male, 2 females left) on my cell phone, so I can easily send a picture if you are interested.
Have an awesome Thursday. Take care of yourself, each other, and all Mother Nature’s children. Sharing is caring.
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actually My son-in-law has a orange and whit tabby male neutered and shots up to date. He is a beautiful animal, 1 yaer old no bad habits, but since he has to take care of all of his needs now , he would like to find a good home for him as well. If you know of someone who wants an older cat let me know.