I am always impressed with items that can be used for so many different things. Just as some people can find a million uses for duct tape, and WD40, I am always about the kitchen items. One great example is apple cider vinegar (which I blogged about years ago) but now it’s time to meet the new kid on the block…coconut oil! I have been reading and hearing a lot about it’s many, many applications, and recently, Wendie who always complains about her dry skin, found this oil to be just what she needed. So, of course I had to buy and try some. Now here’s the one thing about me and coconuts. I don’t like them. Being a vegan there are a lot of foods I don’t eat, but there are NOT a lot of foods I don’t like. Coconuts are at the top of the list. So though there are many uses for this oil in baking and cooking and spreading, I probably won’t be trying those…but from my experience most people DO like coconut and it’s important to know that you can use it in place of any oil. Because it has a high smoke point, it’s great to use for stir-fries and also for baking. It’s a great dairy replacement, anywhere you would use butter. It is supposed to be great for our thyroid function and our digestion and may kill yeast and parasites. Claims say it will boost energy and help with weight loss if eaten daily and some research suggests it might help prevent Alzheimer’s and help reduce symptoms of Autism! Wow. But all those benefits are from it’s internal use. Externally, it’s good for just about everything…removing eye make up, facial and body moisturizer, as a tanning oil (with a natural SPF4), to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, an anti-fungal, as a massage oil, a natural lubricant, mixed with salt as a foot scrub, a lip balm, a lightener of age spots, as a diaper cream, for cradle cap, and even as a de-frizzer for hair (just rub a drop between hands and run through hair)–or rub through hair and put on shower cap for 30 minutes for a deep condition…and more. Needless to say, I’ll be trying lots of these “remedies” and will let you know how they work. For now, I can say that the smell is very calming as it’s aroma screams BEACH!
Skim through the list and be amazed at this seemingly miraculous gift from Mother Nature. The coconut. Who knew. I bought mine at Tunies (thank you, Rita) a local mom and pop health food store, but I bet you can get it just about anywhere these days….there were a million brands…I opted for the organic raw one, just in case I decide to try cooking with it. With so many benefits, I just might learn to like them!
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