Today is National Wear Red Day, to all wake up to the reality that every day, women are dying of heart disease at the rate of almost one per minute. In fact, heart disease is the NUMBER ONE killer of Hispanic women who on an average develop heart disease 10 years earlier than other women. Though the tendency to develop heart disease is passed from one family member to another, it can be prevented by practicing healthy eating habits and frequent (almost daily) physical activity. Truthfully, I am not sure I have ANYTHING red in my closet, but if I don’t I will make up for it by spending my day modeling healthful eating and getting in plenty of exercise!
Speaking of healthful eating, what a great boost for my heart yesterday, catching up with Rita over a veggie burger at Big Bear. We exchanged stories, music, love and lots of gratitude, all so great for the heart! Thanks, Rita.
VFD was also a great boost for my heart. Breaking bread with Mitch and the kids, eating our meal void of ANY cholesterol and talking about Pete’s dream to open a vegan restaurant in the area, all good for our hearts and souls. The black bean soup was a hit. The spaghetti squash was NOT, but that’s OK cause I love it and will have the rest for lunch, today.
It was also great to catch up with Dolores, who was making a pot of the chowder that I posted a recipe for a couple of weeks ago. I could picture her in her “upstate” New York kitchen, looking out into her snow-filled sprawling property, which I am sure is absolutely gorgeous covered with snow. Not sure if she called to thank me for the recipe or curse me for sending her husband, Ted, a copy of THE CHINA STUDY. A physician himself, who I go way back to the college days with, Ted’s cholesterol had gotten to a number he could no longer avoid taking a statin. We discussed the book over the meal we made entirely from his garden goodies, a few months ago. Apparently he loved what he read and decided IF he could drop his numbers through a veganish diet, he was in for a try. Certainly, I’ll be curious to learn the results of his next blood work!
Every day I am more and more convinced that what is good for the animals and the environment is what is also best for us. Wishing you a healthy and a happy heart!
Wearing my RED today!
Me too !