Word of the day. CHANGE. In fitness there are really only a few things we can change to effect the outcome of our workouts—how long, how hard, how fast. Changing just ONE aspect of your fitness routine can change your entire workout. If you always do the treadmill at a certain level, make it faster and do it for less time, or make it slower and do it longer, or set in on a incline. If you are a walker, same thing. Yesterday, Jane and I chose changing the incline. We hit Three Friends Park in Coral Springs and used the hill (yes, there really is a hill in Coral Springs) as our change factor. We walked it, jogged it, lunged up it and got a good sweat going! In the weight room, never get married to one set of weights. Try less reps with heavier weights and more reps with lighter ones. Take your outside workout inside, or your inside workout outside. Try a new sport, just for ONE workout. Even something as simple as changing your walking path can make a difference. Carol is considering changing up a 5K but doing a mud run. That’s definitely one way to change it up! Our bodies love change and respond positively to it, so keep this simple word, change, in mind as you approach YOUR workout of the day. One thing we know for sure is that if we never change anything, nothing will change! Just don’t get TOO creative. That can often lead to injury and that is NOT the change any of us are looking for.

My 5k partner in crime (Brooke – a family friend for the past 30 years) and I are looking to put together a team for the Fun Mud Run on Sept 30 at Markham Park in Sunrise. If anyone is interested please let me know.
I LOVE changing my workout routine. I get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Changing it up helps me stay motivated and focused and challenged.
Carol, I will re-post this on my blog during the work week. I really would love to do it, but I am going to pass because IF i pull anything I cant work and then I dont get paid! But definitely keep me in mind for a more traditional 5K. I am working on my running…it’s one of my summer fitness priorities!
I need to piggy-back on Bonni’s advice. I have learned to change my workout to suit my body and its limitations. It is extremely important to exercise prudently. My girlfriend, Barbara Jean, is laid up with spine spurs and severe lower back problems due to the fact that she thought she was “super woman” and pushed herself too far. Her personal trainer had good intentions, but some times things go wrong. She is having an epidural next week to, hopefully, alleviate her excruciating pain. The key word is moderation……especially as we age. I no longer believe in the adage……..”no pain, no gain!”
I agree 100% – we all have to do what is right for our own bodies. A Mud Run is not for everyone.
Bonni – I will be on the look out for a traditional 5k in the fall when it’s cooler.