Well, it was bound to happen. We have always (and all ways) encouraged our boys to follow their hearts. To that end, my webmaster, Kyle, has landed a web development job in Tampa, where his heart already is. He was lucky to have found work in his field, here in Southeast Florida, where he was able to sock away some savings to make this move possible. I am guessing that somewhere in the next couple of weeks Mitch and I will get busy helping him move across the state. I wish him luck today as he looks for his first apartment, post college. Much like me when I was still single, he would love the space of living alone. I hope he can make all his dreams come true.
This week we are looking at six simple “attitudes” that can lead to true life changes. I, like some of you, had a tough time with yesterday’s simple sentence which was: Pay compliments to others, a natural antidote against critical or judgemental thinking. I tried. There were a couple of times I did catch myself about to express judgemental thoughts. Awareness is the first step towards change, so I guess being aware was good enough! I hope it was for you, too! And yes, Carol, at least you found something good…and from my point of view, the one thing you did find, was a BIG ONE and one that you, no doubt, inherited! Sometimes, I think that there are some people that are truly hard to find much good in. Sad, but true!
And now for the Tuesday thought…
Be flexible. It will undo rigid thoughts.
This is actual perfect for me, for today. Today is an a-typical Tuesday for me. No client to train this afternoon as she is out of the loop for the week. No classes to teach tonight as Mitch and I attend our first Passover Seder (at least as adults). In an effort to be flexible, though I was planning on doing some cardio at home, I will definitely do some yoga, instead… and will be eating my first vegan Passover dinner tonight. As I move through my day, I will give a lot of thought to the idea of flexibility (body and mind) and try to bend a little bit more! That’s also why I also chose to catch up with some friends and family BEFORE blogging, today…today, instead of sticking to my plan, I threw it out the window and am going to bend with the day as it unfolds. Already my thoughts feel less rigid.
Wishing you a flexible day, if not in logistics, certainly in thoughts. See you after Biggest Loser!
Hmmm – This one is hard and easy by turns for me. I LOVE my routine and do tend to get a bit surly when I am taken out of it, but I do enjoy a change of pace sometimes too. Take tonight for instance, I would normally do Bonni’s Cardio/Sculpting class and then the Yoga/Pilates class. Doing nothing was an option that I discarded almost immediately (oops – that not very flexible of me is it?) So Judy and I made a date to meet at 6 at the gym and do whatever workout we feel like.
Huh – here I was trying to illustrate that I can be flexible, but it seems that if I’m just trading one workout for another that’s not exactly a big difference.
Oh well – another of life’s lessons that I will continue to work on 🙂 If all this was easy and already accomplished, life would be kind of boring. I’ve been enjoying the process of improving myself, my life and the lives of others that I come in contact with. You really never know how many people you can have an effect on – positive or negative.
I’ve certainly become more aware over the past week that people notice me and watch me and admire me. It’s a nice feeling.
Sending my congratulations to Kyle on the new job and wishing him much luck and happiness in this new phase of his life.
And BTW Bonni – Tampa’s only a 4 hour drive. Not so bad, Brad & I do it to St. Augustine at least 4 times a year.
WOW!! Be flexible!!! What a brilliant suggestion that I would love to pass on to many people that I love. My dear husband has a difficult time with that concept, but hopefully he will open up his mind a bit to the idea.
I really try to be flexible…….but I so get trapped in some comfortable routines that I truly love. I think that change is good and therefore, being flexible is such a positive life skill.
I am very happy for Kyle and I hope that his web development job fulfills his dreams. It is always so exciting to embark on new frontiers. Ted and I wish him the best.
Enjoy your Passover seder tonight. We will be dining with my family, again, tonight. I will make a special effort in adhering to your “1 Simple Attitude.” 🙂
“To bend like the reed in the wind, that is the real strength” — Taoist proverb
I am SO EXCITED for Kyle! Please let him know that I wish him the VERY BEST!
Carole…love the proverb, thanks for sharing…and i will send kyle your very best, for sure…he is probably on cloud 9 right now!
Came on to post a link to my site and started looking around yours. You are obviously very dedicated to your business. Nothing better than the sports business, I always say. I’ll be back. Feel free to visit my site, too. Have a nice day.