an early morning ditty, by me…
Today I am taking a break from talking meditation,
Today we must, instead talk hydration.
Everyone seems dizzy and wondering why,
Not enough water will make EVERYTHING dry!
Your heart starts to beat faster, your hunger revs up,
Time to refill that drinking cup.
Your internal organs, like your kidneys and heart,
will function more efficiently, but that’s just the start.
Drinking ample water will help reduce fluid retention,
it will also help you concentrate and pay better attention!
Your insides will work better and as for your skin,
you’ll look healthier and more youthful, clearly a “win-win.”
Often we think we are hungry, when in fact what we feel is thirst,
so always before you reach for food, try a big glass of water, first.
Personally I start each and every day,
with a large glass of water (and fresh lemon, by the way).
I have found the more I drink, the easier it is to do,
and if you just try it, you will find the same is true.
So find yourself a glass (or reusable bottle)- fill it to the top and drink,
no more excuses, it’s really easy, don’t you think?
This came to me this morning as I have had too many friends and students, in just the past week or so complaining of serious symptoms that I (and their doctors) all believe are a result of dehydration. I have seen people end up in hospitals with very long recoveries from this in the past. We hear it, we know it, but we somehow don’t take drinking water as seriously as say, eating. Remember we can go weeks and months without eating but only days without fluids…and only minutes without air…Eat kindly, drink water abundantly and above all, breathe.
So clever you are and oh so witty,
To pen such an informative ditty.
Yes, I know that drinking is so important for one,
Especially since we are exposed to the sun.
So when I take my long, refreshing drink,
I will definitely sit back and you I shall think.
Keep cool in this weather! See you tonight~
Rita…i love dittying with you…our brains both work in the dr. seuss mode! have a great day—yes, see you tonight
Dr. Seuss has nothing on you two!
Whimsy is one of my favor qualities!!
And water and air ARE ABSOLUTELY essential!!
Thanks for the gentle reminder!!
Happy Tuesday, Carole