Thinking a lot about “painting” my picture, yesterday, pushed me to add some splash into my day. With 15 minutes to spare before my first class, I pulled over into a park and just took in all it’s peace and beauty before heading over to the gym, simply because it was a beautiful addition to my painting. Later, to literally add splash, I hit the pool and swam about 30 laps, all the while grateful for the luxury. Going back to the gym for two evening classes, I was enthusiastic and looked forward to sweating it up and then stretching it out with some of my very favorite people. Meditating on the simple 4 questions; “who am I?…what do I want?…what is my purpose?…and what makes me happy,? felt good and added depth to my painting. Coming home to Mitch, Blaze and Roxy to end the evening, perfectly completed my day. I went to bed feeling really good about the picture I painted. I hope you, too, had the chance to add some color to your day, and feel good about the picture you painted. Today, we get to paint a whole new painting. Though much of our canvas may already be dictated by what we MUST do in our day, there is always room for some splash…and it’s the splash that makes the painting special.
If you are holding back from adding exercise to your painting because of any of the millions of excuses out there, today is the day to stop waiting…waiting till your more flexible, until you get new sneakers, you have money to join a gym, your company leaves, you move, you have the right foods in the house, your schedule changes, the weather changes, etc. Realize that there will always be obstacles–as soon as one obstacle is out of the way, sure as the sun rises, another will come up. Today is the BEST day I know to add some exercise to your painting. No excuses!

The answers to my 4 questions last night were somewhat different from what they’ve been over the past several months (in a good and positive way). My painting is getting lighter and brighter moving out of the darkness a little more each day.
That makes me happy, Carol. Keep moving into that light! You are doing great. xox