I recently read an article in Men’s Journal about the football draft. They said that The Samoans are an overlooked group, and a good bet. Based on Sam and Koli’s journeys on this season’s Biggest Loser, I get it! They are smart, determined and strong of body and mind. I am so relieved to see Sam stick around for still another week. Jillian keeps calling him skinny. He looks fantastic and is probably too thin to win the whole season, but he’s not SKINNY.
The “who can eat the most calories” makes me uncomfortable, but most all the contestants made really great choices. Darris is turning out to be the quiet soldier. He is doing and looking great. He managed to eat a proper amount of calories for the day from amidst that smorgasbord of food choices. I was a little disappointed that Sam actually asked Koli to sabotage his own eating in an effort to try to keep Sam around another week. Ironically, even though Koli quickly agreed and managed to consume over 4,000 calories to win the ONE AND ONLY VOTE at elimination, he still lost the most weight, 10 pounds, at the weigh in.
A trip to the beach and training with Gabby Reese was fun and obviously a creative way for them to do some product placement advertising for their exercise clothes. I don’t remember the brand, so I am not sure how well that product placement actually works. I DID love that she worked them out with no equipment. I am all for people learning how to do FREE effective workouts. Gabrielle is not bad on the eyes, either.
O’Neal’s brother passed away during the show and though it was very sad, I would prefer not to watch all the personal stuff and the weekly crying. I am sorry to say I have to fast forward through the drama.
The second challenge, in my opinion, was a missed opportunity for Biggest Loser to incorporate Earth Day into the show, but I guess they didn’t ask me. I tend to think in themes. The building, climbing and O’Neal falling and injuring his knee just made no real sense to me. Why have to get hurt? I HATE that. Couldn’t they just have cleaned up gargbage and had to haul off the most pounds of recycling or something?!?! I had thought Sam won the climbing challenge, but Carol, thank you—you are absolutely correct in reminding me that it was Daris, who won and got the one pound advantage!
In the end it was beautiful Sunshine and Victoria who fell below the line. An easy vote for Koli, (he loves O’Neal and I don’t believe he would have sent his daughter home) he sends Victoria packing. He always gives her a little lecture about stepping it up and working harder. She was upset about his little speech. I think he was right!
Next week Abby returns. When in the world is the make-over episode?????
Happy Birthday to my webmaster and much more importantly, son, Kyle, who turns 23 today. That boy has accomplished so much in the past couple of months, he should certainly be celebrating today! Love you, KyleZipp.
Congrats to Christine who found out she became a grandma last night during class. Welcome to the world, baby Gray.
Keep thinking green. Think about eating green, (and greens) too!
Umm – I thought Daris won the climbing challenge and the 1 lb advantage. I really like Daris (and have from the start), he just quietly does his thing and stays below the radar and above the yellow line.
Although I like Sam a lot (I like Koli less). He’s been a little devious now and then, but still manages to maintain his “good guy” image. It irks me.
Gabby’s workout line is a division of Danskin and available at Walmart. Not that BL told us that, I just shop there and saw it.
As far as Green goes – I’m LOVING my new bike and I’m looking for more ways to ride it. When I rode it to the gym on Monday afternoon, I was amazed by all the things I saw that I miss when I drive. I heard birds singing and smelled flowers blooming and saw squirrels…doing whatever squirrels do 🙂
Congrats to Christine on the birth of her grandson Baby Gray.
Happy Birthday to Kyle – hope all is well with you in your new city.
See, Carol…it takes a village to build a blog, lol….YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT DARIS…this is what happens when the brain is not fully engaged at 6:30 in the morning….thank you for bringing that to my attention –i will go back and change that right now….I wasn’t crazy about him, but he can pull this whole thing off, too…i see him in the final 4….
I still love Sam, but as I said, I was disappointed in him asking Koli to do that for him…what I am thinking is that the have a deal that if either of them wins, they split the money, making them TRULY a team….that’s just what I am thinking…
REALLY glad to hear how much you are enjoying the bike and the getting back in touch with being outside…it’s good for EVERYTHING that ails us 🙂
Enjoy the rest of the day…ox
Okay…….my “take” on the BL was a bit different. First, and most importantly (for me)….. I was totally disgusted at the Temptation Challenge. Whenever there is a challenge that involves eating enormous amounts of unnecessary calories in a competition, I become totally disengaged and upset. I did not feel that challenge was wise or beneficial for any reason. Also, I was in such shock at the difficulty of the tower/flag challenge. Bonni, I agree with you…..why would the producers create an event where someone could get seriously injured. What happened to the “life line” that was there for support. ?????
Darius is quietly and cleverly managing to conquer all these challenges. What a feat he achieved. I, too, was disappointed in the Sam/Koli collaboration. hmmmmmmm
Kyle, have a great birthday. Celebrate all your successess!!
Carol, enjoy your bike rides…..remember the sunscreen and helmet. Safety first…..we adore you!!
I have one more day of classes at the college and then I will be out and about more. I can’t wait to “stop and smell those roses.” Those squirrels have been making me crazy as they dart in front of my car. Happy Earth Day………enjoy every second!
That was a good post about Loser. Lovin your blog like crazy.
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