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by Bonni
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[…] FORKS over KNIVES Update…Please Share! (peaceandfitness.com) ShareTweet Filed Under: Plant-based diet, Recipes, Silversneakers · […]
Sending this in case you didn’t get my other comment I want to thank all of you at TFC for their kind words when they heard of the loss of my daughter Barbara. It meand a great deal to me and my family at this sad time.
Thank you Carole for your hugs and kisses on tuesday night. I sure needed them. Thank you all you are the best!!
You’re Welcome Judy – and I meant every word. Anytime whether it’s next week, next month or next year. I’m available.
Amazingly it’s coming up on 5 months since I’ve become mostly veganish and while I sometimes find it challenging I’m never sorry I made the change. I think what I miss most of all is being able to order off a menu. I always feel a little bit like a burden (or a real big pain in the ass) depending on the restaurant 😉
Initially I became a vegan for the health benefits that moving away from animal products provide. Now I find myself more concerned and saddened over the plight of the animals. I’m very quiet about this part because I don’t ever want to give the impression that I look down on or think less of omnivores. I never want anyone to feel uncomfortable eating meat in front of me. Everyone needs to do and be what is right for themselves. For me, right now, Vegan is the right thing.
Oh, sorry for Judy A. I have been depressed with my darling still in rehab but seeing a Judy made me know I have him. We will be back.
Sometimes it’s hard to stick to your diet. But remember there is no time like the pnreest to get back up and start again. Don’t be too hard on yourself, sometimes life throws us some curve balls.