Aries horoscope for today, Wednesday February 24, 2010: If you wake up sad or gloomy, take time to exercise and fix a good breakfast.
I think that should be everyone’s horoscope for the day, even if they aren’t an Aries and even if they are sad or gloomy. We know that a good breakfast and some exercise are the prescription for a good day! For the sad and gloomy, exercise is even more important. There is no doubt when we are not feeling up to it, it’s a hard push, but once those endorphins start kicking in, there’s no turning back. I have had the luxury of HAVING to workout almost every day of my adult life. I can remember times in my life that I was so blue walking into the gym, but would “fly” back down the stairs reporting that “exercise really DOES work,” for my mood would do a complete turnaround after an hour of sweating, jumping and lifting.
Makes me wonder if doctors are doing enough for patients who come to them with symptoms of depression. A good physician should be addressing and prescribing good nutrition and physical activity for EVERYONE. When the Surgeon General headed his warning some 20 years ago, I listened and applauded. I have it printed on the back of my business card, because really it’s more important info than what’s on the front of the card. It says, so simply:
Maybe it should be blown up and placed in doctor’s waiting rooms everywhere. For this morning, the best I can do is post it here.
Regardless of what sign you were born under I hope you will accept the advice given to Aries, this morning…and tomorrow morning…and most every morning! For whatever it’s worth, I can’t remember the last time I was really sick or really sad. Exercise IS the best medicine!
*For those of you feeling lightheaded and fatigued (as I noticed in the comments from Rita and Carol), double up your water intake. Listen to your body…if you need to slow down for a few days, DO IT! I truly believe sometimes the world spins so fast, it makes our own head’s spin. I had a pretty serious case of vertigo back in the late summer of 2001, with a headache so bad it landed me in the hospital for tests, where everything came back negative. Looking back, I am sure my head was spinning with the energy that was about to be unleashed on Sept. 11…but that’s a topic for another blog. I am not suggesting anything bad is going to happen every time our head spins, just that we might want to be open to the possibility that both good and bad energy can be absorbed. Extra hydration, good nutrition. quiet meditation and listening to our bodies, can never hurt!
Ahhhhhh water! Bonni YOU got me into consuming more water many years ago and I cannot thank you enough for THAT!
I am certain that most people would feel better overall if they just consumed more water. Thanks (again) for the reminder!!
hey carole…see you in 2 days!!!! we’ll indulge in lots of water—and coffee—and laughter—and who knows, maybe even some exercise 🙂 oxox
For some reason I took the “if you need to slow down for a few days – DO IT” personally 😉
I do think it might benefit me to skip the gym tonight – even though I’m taking tomorrow night off too. We are going to see Todd’s band (he’s an awesome drummer) play at the Coral Springs Alehouse Thursday night from 6:30-9:30. All are welcome – it’s a fun place with tasty inexpensive food and great beer specials!
I usually drink about 100 oz of water a day, so I don’t think my light headed issues are from dehydration. I think maybe my body is tired (I changed my workout schedule and I’m still adjusting).
OK – I am absolutely taking the night off and I won’t feel guilty or like a slug. That could be my mantra during some quiet time “I am not a slug for skipping the gym” 😉
Carol…thursday night is my vegan feast night–otherwise i would have loved to come hear todd’s band…we’ll talk about that for a future “gig”…would love to come!
Hope your body and mind thank you for a couple of nights off– my guess is, it will! OMMMMMMM
All of you are just the greatest!!! Yes………I need to slow down, but it is VERY difficult for me. Also, I take on everyones’ problems and THAT adds lots of stress for me. So……….my body reacts by becoming dizzy. Vertigo is such a horrific and debilitating feeling. So, I will drink more water (thank you Bonni) and TRY to slow down. Then, hopefully, I will be able to feel much better and do the floor work again. Hugs to all of you!!!
Vertigo IS one of the WORST feelings…hang on, reetz, this too shall pass!
Thanks, Bonni. This has been a healing blog for me. I anxiously await your next topic.
Finally, a good site that isn’t in my face trying to constantly sell me something. Thanks, please keep up the good work.
How do I add this to my RSS reader? Sorry I’m a newbie 🙁
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This is funny, I found your site when I was looking for some horoscope info (I am an Aries). I found this “blog” page. I like your writing and what you have to say so now I am going to look at some other entries. I will also bookmark this and come back again. I can use some help with my fitness. Thanks. T.
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