Last night’s Biggest Loser wasted no time getting into a weigh in. The five eliminated contestants from the initial challenges are back and competing for one spot back on the ranch. Plain and simple, whoever has lost the highest percentage of weight wins that spot. Anna steps on last and loses 38 pounds, or 11.82% of herself! Great job Anna and welcome back. She is thrown right smack in the middle of this game, as it is about to change to blue vs. black and Anna gets to decide the team as well as to get (or give to someone else) immunity. This is huge!!! She, or whomever she gives immunity to, will end up on the team that sees a member go home this week.
Anna goes on to pick who goes on which team, seemingly stacking the black team with Frado, Brendan and Rick, who actually has the highest weight loss of all the contestants, thus far. She then gives immunity to Patrick (weird) and puts herself on the black team, since she desperately wants to train with Jillian. Both teams find it will be easy to throw her under the bus and black team would just love to do that and get Patrick on their team, DEFINITELY making it the stronger team.
I liked the challenge, which was a food station challenge, guessing which is more fattening, higher in fat, higher in sodium or an actual calorie guess. I must admit, I got the first one wrong. I didn’t ask enough questions about the vegetable mosaic 🙂 I am sure it was doused in some sauce to make it more fattening than the crab salad. I would have had to do the step challenge with the blue team. Did you check out the ingredients in those fried cheese balls???? OMG! Do people really eat like that?? I don’t think ANYTHING has more fat in them, than those! Pot Stickers, filled with sodium. I guessed the lasagna in the 600s so I would have had to climb stairs, too. Just when you think you know your food…..The black team ends up winning the challenge and letters from home. Most everyone gives those up for members of the blue team. This was a really sweet gesture and make me understand that even though it IS a game, they are all connected and they are still real people with real feelings.
Finally, it’s time for the weigh in. Will the black team throw it to have Patrick on their team after Jillian pleaded with them not to? What would YOU do? Everyone seems to be having normal weigh ins and Jillian is thrilled that they are going to give Anna her fair chance on the ranch. Brendan, last to weigh in, must lose 16 pounds to see his team is safe, but only loses 2. 2? Really? He swears he didn’t throw the weigh in. Well, either something went terribly wrong with his diet and exercise this week, or…forgive me for this one…he is a big fat liar! The biggest twist comes, however, when NO ONE votes for Anna. I don’t think she posed the biggest threat, and instead, they voted Rick off. He was never my favorite, but surely did a great job after elimination as he is down 120 pounds so far!!!! He exercises 3 times a day for what adds up to about 5 or 6 hours! THAT IS TOTALLY OBSESSIVE in my opinion. He wants to be 170 (his wedding weight) for the finale and at the rate he is going, he stands a good chance of taking home the 100 grand. I just worry about AFTER the show, because how can anyone keep up working out 3 times a day like that? I don’t know…
The determination of the BL contestants plays in my mind like a movie when I am out running and want to push just a little further. It plays in my mind when I am hitting the pool for laps and the temperature of the water is dropping daily. It is a constant reminder of what our bodies will do if we just push them. My money is still on Frado this season. I love everything about him…his looks, the body that is going to emerge, his heart and his spirit.
Thanks to Carol for the yummy Blue Mountain coffee I am drinking as I type. Thanks also, to Judy for the tomato plant which will get added to my garden later today. My students spoil me rotten and I am a very lucky girl, and very appreciative. Speaking of spoiling me, Rita, I MISS YOU and want to hear about how yesterday went for you.
Wishing you inspiration and the spirit to be all the things you desire. Lately I have been thinking a lot about how we all are given just ONE LIFE, at least in our current skin. As my friend Lisa always says, “act accordingly.”
Reader Interactions
Judy Ambersonsays
I like giving living thigs to people who I know will appreciate them. I’m sure that little plant will yield lots of tomatoes because you will take good care of it. Remember to put it where it can climb up something-like a wooden stake or fence. Enjoy!!
Loved the class this morning-especially those band.
Kina Bellamysays
is at all times useful for fitness lovers. Your tips are actually good.
I like giving living thigs to people who I know will appreciate them. I’m sure that little plant will yield lots of tomatoes because you will take good care of it. Remember to put it where it can climb up something-like a wooden stake or fence. Enjoy!!
Loved the class this morning-especially those band.
is at all times useful for fitness lovers. Your tips are actually good.