Back to meditation. If meditation is new for you, you may wonder “where do I begin?” This morning let’s talk about an exercise we can use to still our minds.
First sit comfortably with a tall spine so that your heart and lungs are not compressed. It always helps to wear non-restrictive, comfortable clothing. Close your eyes. Relax, breathing naturally, and allow yourself to focus your attention on your thoughts. Don’t stop thinking and don’t censor your thoughts, just allow them to flow freely. Imagine that your thoughts are ripples on a pond. As they slow down, so do the ripples until you eventually feel a stillness.
Then try centering your mind on on a single word. I’ll suggest the word PEACE. As you become aware of your thoughts drifting away from the word, simply return your focus to it. Let the word fill your mind and your body, and allow it to resonate through you.
After a few minutes, let go of the word and let the essence of peace surround you and remain within you. At the end of your session notice how relaxed you really do feel. Try to hold on to that feeling. Take a few deeper breaths as you open your eyes and allow them to adjust to any light in the room.
Your session is complete. This exercise may have only taken 5 minutes, but could certainly be longer! Already your body and mind are just a little bit healthier than they were just moments ago. Make a habit of this and you are on the way to better sleep, lower blood pressure, improved concentration and so much more.
The scientific studies that show what happens in the brain, alone, during meditation are enough to make anyone want to practice meditation daily. While we would think the brain slows down with the breathing and relaxation, in fact it does just the opposite. As your body, brain and heart connect in meditation, you will begin to have better clarity and find out things about yourself that you may have never known before. What stills the chatter, allows your brain cells to fire up and let you focus on what’s REALLY important.
Ok, Bonni, I am REALLY going to attempt to calm my mind and totally relax with meditation. If I can accomplish this for a few minutes, I will bow to you!! I will let you know how I progress. My mind is always chattering to me……so……….peace and ommmmmmmmm!!!!
Rita…its ok if your mind does a lot of chattering, and it’s ok to ask to stop for just a few minutes a day…will miss you (and carol) today—see you both on tuesday