Week 2, notoriously a tough weigh in. Amazingly, as the show opened with a donut temptation, most of the contestants didn’t even take a bite. The team who would eat the most donuts, would get to choose their 2 hour time slot in the gym for the week. They would choose between the wee hours of the morning, noon to 2 or the 9pm time slot. I immediately raised my hands and chose the midday slot, but the winners, black team, chose 5 am. Black teams John ate 37 donuts (they were small…) to win that time slot. Black team also got to choose the times for the other teams and gave blue midday and red, 9pm. I thought that hour was actually great for the “kids.” Apparently, the 2 hour time slot is to show them a little more reality than they usually have on the ranch. I think it was really smart…much more real life.
So my single favorite part of the show was watching Bob’s energy as he woke his team at 4:19 am and worked them out with that “I love morning,” attitude that I relate quite well too. If I have ever wanted to be one of the trainers on the show, it was for that segment. He was evil and somewhat sadistic, but it’s Bob and even evil and sadistic, he has heart. Anna has her hands full with the “seniors.” Bonnie’s knee is shot and Johnny’s efforts leave a lot to be desired. Anna is way too soft. I get they are seniors. I train seniors. My 85 year old student Al could run circles around some of those kids. These contestants knew exactly what they were signing on for. Anna does tell John, in Russian, that you don’t “sit on the couch and spit at the ceiling and expect things to happen for you.” Well said, Anna. Dolvett takes his youngins to their first 9pm workout and his beautiful smile disappears in the gym. He is not my favorite trainer and I hope down the road, some of those “kids” get a chance to train with Bob.
Visits with Dr. H. are always revealing. I was sad to learn that Ramon is the most unhealthy one on the ranch. I still like him. I am confident his newly diagnosed diabetes will disappear quickly if he can keep dropping the weight. We learn that Bonnie had stomach stapling earlier and that her knee is not just bone on bone, but bone IN bone. OUCH!
The challenge was just cute. A life-size maze, with a ball they must roll with their body weight, but walking around the border. The team who does it in the shortest time would win a 2 pound advantage, next a 1 pound and last, nada. Bob’s black team takes first place by just a few seconds. Red team comes in next and the poor underdogs, blue come in last. It just doesn’t seem fair. BL never seems fair in the early weeks either because of age or gender.
Last chance workout was kind-of uneventful, but the weigh in, never is. Hard to see double digits week 2, Bob’s black team does manage to have Antone and John (believe it or not the guy who ate the 37 donuts–go figure) lose the most weight, 10 and 15 pounds, respectively. I knew those middle-agers would have a lot going for them. Poor blue team would fall below and once again find themselves in the elimination. Since Mike had immunity, there were only 3 left and Boston Johnny would find himself heading back home.
Next week is NFL week. Drew Brees, Tim Tebow and several other players will guest star and the weigh-in winner will get an amazing prize…a VIP trip for 2 to the Super Bowl. If I were on the ranch, I would just stop eating NOW. Super Bowl tickets are GREAT motivation. I can hardly wait to see who wins.

37 donuts – and where was Karma ? He lost 15 freakin pounds! I get so incensed with the unfairness involved in weight loss. Oh well – what’s ya gonna do – Right ? I actually like Dolvett – or maybe I just like to look at him – I’m not exactly sure yet 😉