We often hear the expression “cross-training” but we sometimes don’t realize the importance of it, or how easy it is to really mix things up. Personally, having taught aerobic classes several times a day, most every day, I can basically do that at up to 150 beats per minute, endlessly. I am not saying it’s easy. I sweat and push but my endurance is always good. Yet, when I go out on the street to run, at a pace that is probably MUCH slower than my classes, I struggle. While one might say “maybe running isn’t for me” the struggle just reminds me how much I need to keep trying. The things that are hardest for us to do, are usually the ones we need to keep working at, if, in fact, we want to impact change on our bodies (and our minds). It is not that running hurts me, it’s just that I get out of breath really quickly. Though this wasn’t always the case, even when I was training or running in 5Ks, it was never easy for me. I figure since it’s challenging, it must be doing me a world of good to get out there and keep working on it.
Now, with summer here, I am about to start doing laps in the pool. Yesterday, Mitch and I played some badminton in the pool again, and that was a lot of laughs and a decent workout, too! (An awful lot of “birdie” chasing). Swimming, while easy on the joints, is great for cardiovascular endurance as well as all the muscles in the body! Arms, legs and core all must work together to propel the body through the water. For anyone who has the opportunity to get in the pool, I highly recommend it. If swimming isn’t your thing, you can get on a kick-board and work those legs, or try doing some land based moves such as squats, lunges, and plyometric jumps, all which will be quite different than on land. Getting in the water not only a great way to work the body, but also a great way to relax and let those same muscles stretch, or even just BE, while floating. If you get to the ocean, combining a walk (or run) in the sand, with some swimming and then floating in the salt-water is another great way to get in an excellent workout!
Just as we look for some variety in all other aspects of our lives, so should we with regard to our fitness “routines.” Have some and then mix them up for the best results. After all “if we do the same thing we did, we’ll get the same thing we got.”
A new day, a new week, a great time to think about mixing things up! I am off to start my work day- a busy mixed up one–the day, not me 🙂
Before I sign off, I want to send extra love to Carolanne and Rita. I miss you both so much in class!! I hope today finds you both feeling better than yesterday….oxox
Also happy anniversary wishes to Mitch. It was 30 years ago tonight that he came home from a party (thank you Ellen and also Ken for his part in that night) with me and ….the rest, as they say, is history! 30 years?? Is that really possible???? Much love, baby. We sure have come a long way.
Thanks for the well wishes. You know the saying.”Great minds think alike…” aha! Well, yesterday I went to the pool and did a little workout. Walking, gentle leg lifts, and leg extensions. I really love the water. It felt like a bathtub and I was very relaxed (something that is very difficult for me). So….I will try to again today and hopefully it will alleviate my “hot sciatic nerve.”
Have a marvelous Monday. Carol…..I am thinking about you and our upcoming gym reunion!!!! 🙂
Rita–the pool can be our best friend when we are not perfect and we NEED to exercise!!! Good thinking on your part..thanks again for the “bag of peace” or the peace bag…and I can’t wait not only to see you but to hear all about the big apple (and see pics, too!) oxox
congrats to you and Mitch on your 30th.Hope you have many more. True love is endless!
Hope to see Rita and Carole soon-miss you both.
Speedy recovery Carole! I know it killing you not to be at the Gym-but rest and get well!
This day …. 30 years ago… was truly a VERY SPECIAL day for me too (although I didn’t know it)! Bon and Mitch… YOU TWO are the GREATEST!
And now, with a day off from work, I’m about to ‘mix it up’… and get in a workout or two…
Happy anniversary wishes to Bonni & Mitch – 30 YEARS! – AWESOME!
I went to work today and made it through 5 hours before my arm screamed at me that it was time to go home.
I’m looking forward to feeling well enough to go for a walk, maybe in a few days. In the meantime, I am working to heal myself through relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques. The mind/body connection is a powerful thing and I intend to use it. (Thanks to Bonni for teaching me the breathing and meditation techniques)
See you all tomorrow.
Wishing you another 30 years of bliss!!! Congrats!!!!
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