Funny. I woke up thinking about the power of walking. Then I read the comment from Rita about her walking with Dakota (the golden retriever) yesterday. Walking really is, to many of us, way under-estimated! The benefits are huge and comprehensive and yet often we think of walking with a “just” in front of it. I just went walking. Hah!
Yesterday, I had a 10am session with my young and incredibly fit client, Jane. Just 9 days post surgery, it was our first workout in about 2 weeks. Due to her surgery, I wanted to take it really easy our first day back. We spent the first half-hour walking…without pause, and at a rapid pace. It was a beautiful morning and the path we took was one we usually mix up walking/running/squatting/lunging and doing who knows what. Yesterday we JUST walked and for the 30 minutes we did, it was a great workout. Heart-rates were up, legs were working without pause and the sunshine was bathing our bodies with vitamin D and bathing our brains with happiness. That was a 30 minute workout for the entire body/mind and soul.
Mitch tries to walk most evenings after work. He goes to a gravel trail with markers each 1/10th of a mile apart. Its very close to our home and one I have gone to often, mostly to run. He loves walking with his iPod and this is the one fitness routine he has been able to do on a long-term basis. While I often have found walking kindof boring, I am starting to understand what keeps him committed to this routine. It is so much more than a physical thing.
I walk Blaze every week day and I love that for all the reasons I have posted through the months, and more. I do realize, however, that it’s not a perfect walk as there is a bit too much stopping to smell the roses, or in his case the grass, the fire-hydrants and anything else that’s close to his nose. This morning we are going to work on a little less sniffing and a little more walking.
Stephanie, last week’s Biggest Loser eliminated contestant, was just on the Today Show. She looks great and did say she fell in love with Sam. She says they are dating and having an amazing time. This makes me think BIGGEST LOSER COUPLES has a double meaning! Biggest Loser is the new Dating Game.
Well today Kyle makes the big move to Tampa. My emotions are all over the place, but mostly I am incredibly excited for him and all that awaits him when he gets to the other side. A new job, his first solo apartment and his motivation and love, Nicole. I’ll miss him like crazy, but smile knowing he is doing the same.
Whatever your workout “routine” is, I urge you, as always, to keep changing it up. Consider walking as supplementation or a break from the usual. As winter has become spring, just as we need to spring clean our homes, we need to spring clean the cobwebs from our minds. Walking OUTSIDE is a great way to do just that.
See you tomorrow for Biggest Loser rehashing 🙂
Carolanne says
My hubby Brad just got a new phone that has a pedometer feature (which he calibrated with his physical attributes) and he usually walks about 18,000 steps each day (which translates to about 9 miles)! In just the first 2 weeks he had the phone, he had alreay walked the equivilent of the Grand Canyon! Since that goal was so easy to attain, he decided to make his new goal to walk the circumference of the planet Earth!
bonni says
GO BRAD! that is very cool…i what kind of phone does he have? i am curious..i have NEVER clocked my steps, but do wonder…tried a couple of different pedometers but lost my patience trying to calibrate them ?!?!
Rita says
I love to walk……outside or inside the mall… before the mall opens. (The mall has a mall walkers program in case anyone is interested.) To me…….it is a simple yet great way to clear one’s mind and get fit. The ipod is a fun companion, but I do prefer to walk and talk with a buddy. The time just flies. I like that pedometer feature that Carol mentioned. That sounds reallly cool!!
Bravo and the best of luck to Kyle. You must be “kvelling” with pride.
Carolanne says
Brad works with swimming pools and pool equipment so he needs a waterproof phone. He has a Casio GZ-One – it’s a “ruggedized” phone that meets military specs for water, dust and shock resistance. It’s big, clunky, and ugly – but it can (and has) fallen into a tank of filthy, dirty pool filter water and come out ringing 🙂