Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to listen to an incredible interview with a 98 year old cardiovascular surgeon. He grew up on an farm but has spent the last half of his life living on a vegan diet. Given his field of expertise, he had become increasingly concerned about what animal products or as he refers to them, “flesh foods,” were doing to others and his own arteries. Originally concerned about not getting enough protein, he soon came to understand that our society has led us to believe we need wayyyyyyyy more protein than we actually do. The only supplement he takes is B12 and he claims to be able to do everything at 98 that he could always do. He did retire from practice…at 95 because he felt it was a good age to kick back a bit. He does, however, still mow his own lawn. As many still like to argue the dangers of an all plant-based diet, it’s always great to hear a testimonial like this.
And here’s the beauty of the internet. Simply typing this entry brought up the very video I couldn’t find in my own mail….If you are interested in watching this guy (he is 98 so I grant you it’s not THE most exciting presentation) just click the article below.
Remember as you move through your Vegan (Feast) Thursday, it is also a day to Pay it Forward. Even a simple smile can go a long way to start a ripple effect. Let’s all get out there and shed some kindness.
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