Good morning and happy Vegan Feast Thursday. Before I type another word, I must once again offer apologies for sloppy typing/typos etc., in most of my entries, but especially yesterday morning! Seems like on the days I have the most to share, I have the least amount of time before I have to get to my first session. While I gave a lot of thought to blogging later in the day when time is NOT an issue, I have found that it becomes a chore instead of a joy, so early mornings it is. As we all know spell check is a great tool, but it’s not enough. Once again, I am happy to NOT be a perfectionist 🙂
I received a very sweet email from Liz at The Conscious Cupcake. You can find her beautiful and yummy vegan delights at She will also be at the Heron Heights elementary school boutique night on the evening of 12/2. If you need an eye doctor, she is your girl for that, too.
Thanks to Derek for his dedication to the Occupy Wall Street movement. He has let us know that while there will be events all over the country today, which marks the two month anniversary of the movement. Locally there will be an event in Coral Springs at 4pm. It is at 7201 West Sample Road. If you aren’t sure what the Occupy movement is all about, he suggests you come on out and ask your questions.
One week till Thanksgiving and it has become easier and easier to blend the vegans with the turkey lovers. It’s funny that I actually enjoy cooking the turkey even though I don’t care to eat it. It’s all about the tradition and though it sounds contradictory, it makes me happy to feed people food THEY love. Something about cooking the turkey (and yes, I do feel badly about the sacrifice) outdoors on the grill with Mitch and making Grandma Esther’s gravy that I find joy in each year. Of course there will be tofurkys and field roasts and lots of side dishes that EVERYONE enjoys. From unadulterated sweet potatoes and stuffing, huge salads, applesauce and strawberries, roasted brussel sprouts with red grapes and walnuts, and so much more, there is really a lot of food that can easily be shared by everyone. If you have any questions about how to make your Thanksgiving dinner a little more “compassionate,” ask away! As always, I find that keeping some balance is the answer for me.
Sending some good thoughts and energy to my very dear friends who are in Philly today. You can’t see me, but I am there and I love you.
Have a great VFT, everyone and thanks for stopping in. Hoping you are giving lots of thought to all that you are thankful for this year. My gratitude list just gets longer and longer. I will end with a few words of a Sheryl Crow song that Carole shared with me the other day.
“I don’t have digital
I don’t have diddly squat
It’s not having what you want
It’s wanting what you’ve got”