The funny (not haha funny) thing about blood pressure is that it is ever changing. We can all make excuses for why ours might spike, but the reason’s don’t matter. What matters to our arteries is that those accumulated spikes can do damage as well as sustained elevated numbers, can. Here are some ways to help give our pressure a break…and I wont even mention the word exercise–today.
Eat berries–Having about a cup a week can reduce the risk of developing hypertension by 8% according to a study of 156,000 people.
Hang out with your pet — Two groups of stressed out stock-brokers were divided into 2 groups, one group getting medication, the other a dog or cat. The pet owners actually showed a greater reduction in pressure than those medicated, according to a study at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Anyone that has a pet can attest to how peaceful it is to just BE with them. I find it especially calming to gently rub the tip of my big red’s ear….
Listen to others — Listening to first hand stories of how others have been successful lowering their pressure seems to result in a reduction of pressure, according to a study done at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Just another reason to talk less and listen more!
Watch a sitcom — While some may find these mindless and a waste of time, while they would rather watch documentaries or the History channel, we all know a good belly laugh is worth it’s weight in gold. Hearty laughter can work wonders improving blood-vessel function. Research at Loma Linda University’s School of Allied Health Professionals found that people who watched funny videos or movie clips dropped their pressure down in a similar way to doing some moderate exercise.
and above all else….Be loving! Holding hands, hugging, touching, just for a few seconds at a time is all it takes to make stressful tasks less stressful on our arteries. But of course. Love is not only “the answer,” but also “all you need.”
Thanks to Whole Living Magazine for the information and the inspiration. Wishing you all a laughter filled, loving, low pressure kind of Saturday…and remember, a little exercise can’t hurt, either.
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