We make plans and Mother Nature laughs. I feel for my kids (Derek, Pete and Remembering Never) who were supposed to all be landing in NY for a weekend of fun, great (vegan) food, friends and lots of music, playing 3 shows in the NY/NJ area, but alas the decision was made to cancel. I am sad Derek doesn’t get to finally see snow! I am sad Derek, Pete, Danny and the guys aren’t going to hang together and throw snowballs at one another, but I think this storm is going to be much more than “that”…I am so sorry, guys! We make plans and Mother Nature has her own agenda. I feel for my cousin Lisa who is making her daughter, Sarah, a Bat-Mitzvah party tomorrow night in New Jersey. I hope Mother Nature finds a way to be kind in their neighborhood, and the celebration goes on as scheduled. We make plans and Mother Nature makes her own. I am keeping good thoughts for friends flying to visit family members, attend fitness conferences and as well for my family and friends who live in the Northeast. Stay warm, stay safe and take care of each other.
A huge shout out to my webmaster, Kyle, who I read such wonderful things about as written by his co-workers in The CopyPress Culture. You certainly have remained true to your passion and continue to be as humble and unassuming as the day Mother Nature gifted dad and I, with you. I hope that you and Derek always know how proud we are of you both and how much we love you both, each and every day.
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