“Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and beans contain literally THOUSANDS of (other) substances that are protective, having anti-aging, anti-cancer and anti-heart disease properties. These include fiber, isoflavones, carotenoids, bioflavonoics, retinols, lycopene, genistein, and on and on.”
—Dr. Dean Ornish as quoted in The Veganist
Dr. Ornish then goes on to talk about the fact that when people adopt his low-fat, plant-based diet to lose weight or reverse heart disease, their sexual function, mental clarity and energy all improve as well. As he puts it, they adopt the diet because they “fear dying,” but very soon, they see dramatic, positive results and they stay on the diet because they now enjoy living.
When you think about all the goodness that comes from those foods that grow in the ground and on trees and vines, it’s easy to see that what will help us in the long run, will surely make us feel better in the immediate. Cleaning out our arteries is exactly like cleaning out our pipes. EVERYTHING flow better!
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