Last night’s episode of Biggest Loser was, to me, mostly boring. I keep remembering what Erica once said about every TV show having a shelf life. I don’t want Biggest Loser to EVER go off the air, but I do fear it’s shelf life is coming to an end. I am having a difficult time attaching myself to any of the contestants, and last night I didn’t even get slightly emotional at the end of the show, which is telling.
In summation, the weigh in and elimination would all come down to the roll of the dice. Each trainer would roll a die that had members of that team’s faces on it. Only one face would be heads up and that player would be the only one who’s weight would count at the final weigh in. Of course we wouldn’t know this ahead of time so everyone had to work their hardest. It was sort of silly, as Jillian’s white team has only Danni left. Biggest Loser is many things, but rarely fair. The twist was, when it came when it came time for the challenge, an “American Gladiator” type course, again the dice would roll. One member from each team would have to cross an obstacle course, traversing on a balance beam while trying to avoid be hit by swinging beams. Mostly it was frustrating and I found it hard to watch Jackson and Gina compete against a very athletic Danni. Once at the other side of the course they had to pick a plate with numbers on it (representing a calorie count) and bring it back to the other side to match it up with food items. I struggled with this as the food items were vague. For instance a bagel with low fat creme cheese and lox. What kind of bagel? From where? How big? How much creme cheese? A smear of a slab? How much lox? This was just one example and while Danni was first to get all the plates back, none of them matched. In the meantime poor Gina and Jackson were still getting knocked over time and time again. In the end, Danni did win and the prize was letters from home. Call me “cold” but this is my least favorite prize. Give me immunity, give me extra pounds lost at the weigh in, but all that physical abuse for a few letters from the people you know miss, love and support you….maybe I just can’t relate.
My very favorite parts of the episode were the repeating of the mantra “Let it Be Me,” which Bob had his teammates saying over and over, meaning let it be me that gets picked to weigh in. It was very POSITIVE, but then again, Bob mostly is exactly that. I also like that Francilina (I am sure I am spelling it wrong) was the biggest loser of the night. She seems to be coming into her own and I like that she got to experience that feeling. I also liked the new attitude Gina seemed to arrive at, with help from Bob. I continue to have a very, very soft spot for Jackson, who is given a lot of attention, at least in the editing room. My heart aches for him and I want to see him continue to evolve, though last night he was having a very rough time with the workouts. Why does he get sick all the time?? I think he needs to purge years of stuffing in his feelings, perhaps about being gay–perhaps more than that.
The roll of the dice would have Jeff and Joe competing against Danni on the scale, but in the end it would be Bob’s team that would finally face an elimination , as Jeff’s 6 pounds wasn’t enough. they chose to send Dave home. I had absolutely no attachment to him. He has been unable to do many things because of an injury and it pissed me off that as a police officer he ever even let himself get that heavy! There should be a law against that. I have a lot to say about that, but I won’t…at least not today. On the very positive side, Dave was in a much better position to help take care of his children, including his daughter who sadly is severely disabled as a result of Rett syndrome — very sad. This is the greatest gift he can possibly give his family and the community he serves, and I give him a lot of credit for that.
Next week…yay!!! It’s singles. With only 8 contestants left, I feel that make-over episode getting closer and closer. Joe has already transformed himself back into that athlete he once was. Boring or not, it’s totally amazing what a difference a couple of months can make once you get your head in the right place.
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