“Our breath plays a very important role in our life. The breath is the connecting link between the inner world of the mind and the world of the body and environment.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
It’s no small wonder that when we take the time to JUST BREATHE we feel grounded, connected and definitely more clear. Makes sense to me that we ALL need to take the time to practice yoga, Pilates, meditation or at the least, take the time to stop and JUST BREATHE. This single action is SO important to our overall wellness that it was well worth repeating, today. Always know that YOU control YOUR breathing–it does NOT control you. One that practices deep breathing finds everything begins to make sense! It’s an incredible form of therapy. Trust me.
Thanks to Martha for introducing me to the Sunday morning show, House Call, on the Fox News Network. I finally watched and understood why you wanted me to! I love this guy’s take on health. Dr. Rosenfeld doesn’t necessarily agree with many of his peers. He has a lot of opinions and covers quite a few topics in the 30 minute show. This past week, for instance, he suggested that he can’t really see the point of testing oneself for Alzheimer’s unless they have symptoms. He feels since there is NO treatment, NO cure, NO way to prevent it from happening, there is NO point in knowing! I couldn’t agree more. This show is set to record every Sunday on my DVR. It’s a good balance to my endless episodes of the Twilight Zone 🙂
Final reminder: NO classes at Bally today. Try some yoga at 12:30 tomorrow, instead. Book club party Saturday at 2:00. Exercising the body and the mind…and remembering to JUST BREATHE. This is the essence of being complete. Till tomorrow-much love!